해피콘 사용처 알아보기 Find out where to use Happycon

I often receive Happycon gifts from acquaintances on birthdays and other special occasions. I used to look for where I could use it, so I’m going to organize it this time. Happycon is a mobile gift certificate that can be used at SPC Group (Paris Croissant, Paris Baguette, Baskin Robbins, etc.).

해피콘 사용처

해피콘 사용처

However, it is not available at all stores, so you may need to check before using it. Let’s find out how to check where Happycon can be used and how to use it below.

Photo by Joshua Moussa Tittel on Unsplash

Find out where to use Happycon

Happycon can basically be used at the following affiliated stores.

Paris Baguette, Baskin Robbins, Dunkin Donuts,

Paris Croissant, Jamba Juice, Bbaeneun, La Grilia,

Lina’s, Pascucci, Shake Shack, Fashion 5 (Hannam Branch)

However, depending on the product, use may be restricted at special stores such as department stores/highway rest areas.

Let’s find out how to check stores where Happycon is not available.

▼ First, go to the Happycon homepage to check stores where Happycon is not available.

Happycon homepage



▼ You can view products using the menu at the top of the Happycon homepage. Let’s select the product I want to purchase and check if there are stores where it is not available.

▼ I selected ‘This is Almond Bonbonbon’ sold at Baskin Robbins. I selected the See More button next to the exchange location.

▼ It says there are no stores where it is not available.

▼ This time, I selected ‘Injeolmi Patbingsu’ sold at Pascucci. I selected the See More button next to the exchange location.

▼ It says that it is not available at ‘Bogyeongsa Rest Stop Pascucci’.

▶ Since Happycon can be used at most affiliated stores, there is no need to worry too much, but just in case, you can check if there are stores where the product I want to exchange is not available using the method above.

How to use Happycon

The Happycon homepage FAQ explains how to use it in detail. I will introduce some of the things you should know.

◇ What is the validity period of Happycon??

☞ The validity period varies depending on the type of Happycon.

The product provision type is 3 months, and the amount type is 1 year.

◇ The validity period is too short. Can I extend it?

☞ Extension of the period is possible starting 30 days before the expiration date.

However, if the validity period has expired, extension of the period is not possible.

Using this method, there is no limit to the number of times you can extend the period within 5 years.

Also, the period is extended in 90-day units for each extension.

◇ The validity period has expired. Can I get a refund?

☞ If the validity period has expired, only 90% of the payment amount can be refunded.

◇ Where can I check the details of my Happycon gift?

☞ You can check the details of your gift through My Page -> Gift History.

In conclusion

We have learned about the usage and usage methods of Happycon.

In the case of Happycon, there is no notification before the usage period expires. Therefore, you need to carefully check the usage period and use it.